
What is Felicitas Wisdom® ?

Felicitas Wisdom® is an app for Android, iOS and the web to help you and everyone live a happier, better life.

Our app is your personal companion that helps you live more content and mindful.

Felicitas Wisdom® supports you in overcoming your crises and living a balanced life.

What does the app do?

Felicitas Wisdom® helps you consolidate happiness and inner contentment through individual mindfulness strategies.

You are often encouraged to listen to how you are feeling in the here and now.
It then helps you find the appropriate activities to optimally improve your emotional world and body sensations.

With our app, you can keep a diary and evaluate your daily activities to track and reflect on your progress.

It teaches you useful knowledge from various scientific fields and shows you how it can improve your life in the here and now.

It helps you reflect on your daily life and optimize it according to your wishes.

Translated with DeepL

How does it work?

Among other things, the app often asks you how you are feeling right now to help you perceive yourself better. You start activities to find out how they affect you in which life situation. You will understand better and better who you are and what is good for you.

First you can simply enter what you are doing in the here and now and then you evaluate how this activity has affected you.

Activities become beneficial or harmful. You find out better and better what is good for you and what you want to do in your life.

That’s all?

Not by a long shot..

Find out more about the other sections of the app.

Emergency toolkit
Reminders and prompts
Rewards/knowledge base
Graphic reflection
Automatic reflection

These features are currently under constant revision as the app is still in early beta. To avoid the extra work of constant revisions to the website, they will be added here later.

Have a look at our gallery of images of the app, or sign up for beta participation to be one of the first to test the app.

Who is behind it?

Learn more about us

Do you have any more for me?

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